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A Web based Alcohol Education Program. A Systems approach to Alcohol Prevention.

Below, are instructions for you or your client regarding completion of the AlcoholEdu® web based program that is a requirement for the disposition in your criminal case.  First, is a letter from the DA that gives you step by step directions for how to log on and register for the Alcohol Edu® program.  The second document describes some of the programs that the Prevention Council offers in Saratoga Springs for all Saratoga County residents.  The remainder of this page gives more detail regarding the Alcohol Edu® educational program.  Thank you for your interest.


“Ever notice that all of the talk about college drinking is bad news?”

We think that’s about to change.  For decades, high-risk drinking on America’s college campuses has jeopardized our higher education system and our nation’ very future. But look around and you’ll see the signs that change is underway. Rigorous measurement of the youth drinking problem has shown some very encouraging trends. While there is still work to be done, we are on the verge of a powerful cultural shift, driven by the rising tide of students are interested in experiencing college life in ways that are much less — or not at all dependent on alcohol.

At Outside The Classroom, we believe that in order to truly achieve breakthrough progress in college alcohol prevention, the field needs a new framework — one that addresses not just the what, but the how. It’s time we had a proven proven roadmap to enact real change. It’s time for a Systems Approach.

At Outside The Classroom, we have the privilege of partnering with hundreds of colleges and universities across the country each year on a range of prevention activities. These relationships and experiences afford us a unique perspective on the field which provides opportunities to discover, analyze, and share ideas as well as spark stimulating discussion with institutions who share our commitment to effective prevention.

For nearly a decade, Outside The Classroom has been steadfast in our endeavor to strengthen the field of alcohol prevention. Our goal is to provide institutional leaders and their students with the information and tools they need to develop well-informed, cost-effective strategies for reducing alcohol-related risk and preventing harm.

For over a decade, Outside The Classroom has been steadfast in its endeavor to strengthen the field of alcohol prevention. We provide institutional leaders and their students with the information and tools they need to develop well-informed, cost-effective strategies for reducing alcohol-related risk and preventing harm. Through our world-class expertise, tradition of innovation, and comprehensive approach, we offer unparalleled effectiveness in changing behavior and ensuring that prevention dollars are well spent.

“Ever notice that all of the talk about college drinking is bad news?”

We think that’s about to change.  For decades, high-risk drinking on America’s college campuses has jeopardized our higher education system and our nation’ very future. But look around and you’ll see the signs that change is underway. Rigorous measurement of the youth drinking problem has shown some very encouraging trends. While there is still work to be done, we are on the verge of a powerful cultural shift, driven by the rising tide of students are interested in experiencing college life in ways that are much less — or not at all dependent on alcohol.

At Outside The Classroom, we believe that in order to truly achieve breakthrough progress in college alcohol prevention, the field needs a new framework — one that addresses not just the what, but the how. It’s time we had a proven proven roadmap to enact real change. It’s time for a Systems Approach.

At Outside The Classroom, we have the privilege of partnering with hundreds of colleges and universities across the country each year on a range of prevention activities. These relationships and experiences afford us a unique perspective on the field which provides opportunities to discover, analyze, and share ideas as well as spark stimulating discussion with institutions who share our commitment to effective prevention.

For nearly a decade, Outside The Classroom has been steadfast in our endeavor to strengthen the field of alcohol prevention. Our goal is to provide institutional leaders and their students with the information and tools they need to develop well-informed, cost-effective strategies for reducing alcohol-related risk and preventing harm.

For over a decade, Outside The Classroom has been steadfast in its endeavor to strengthen the field of alcohol prevention. We provide institutional leaders and their students with the information and tools they need to develop well-informed, cost-effective strategies for reducing alcohol-related risk and preventing harm. Through our world-class expertise, tradition of innovation, and comprehensive approach, we offer unparalleled effectiveness in changing behavior and ensuring that prevention dollars are well spent.

AlcoholEdu® for college

Efficacy Results

Over the past six years, overwhelming evidence has emerged in support of AlcoholEdu® for College as an effective prevention program, with the most recent versions of the program demonstrating strong efficacy. Independent researchers continually put AlcoholEdu® to the test, and their findings help Outside The Classroom revise and improve the program year after year.

Research Findings

In 2010, two randomized control studies, one published in the Journal of Health Communication, and the other appearing in Addictive Behaviors, show that AlcoholEdu® reduces student drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences. It is the only program proven to reduce negative consequences.

In the fall of 2007, an independent researcher conducted a randomized control trial at Villanova University to evaluate the 2007 version of AlcoholEdu®. This study, published in the Journal of Health Communications, found that compared to the control group, students who completed AlcoholEdu®:

  • Reported having few total drinks.
  • Suffered fewer drinking-related behavioral consequences.
  • Were less likely to expect positive outcomes from drinking.
  • Were less accepting of others’ alcohol use behaviors.
  • Were less likely to be heavy episodic drinkers.

In 2009, Dr. John Hustad, an independent researcher based at Brown University, randomly assigned students at another university to one of three experimental conditions: 1) AlcoholEdu® for College; 2) e-Chug; 3) Control (assessment-only). Across the three groups, students who participated in the study had similar demographic and drinking profiles. This study, published in Addictive Behaviors, found that on every measure, the AlcoholEdu® group reported significantly less consumption, fewer drinks per drinking occasion, and fewer negative alcohol-related consequences than the assessment-only control group. Additionally, only the AlcoholEdu® group was significantly different than the control group for alcohol-related consequences, where the AlcoholEdu® group demonstrated a 37% decrease in negative alcohol-related consequences, and the e-Chug group demonstrated only an 11% decrease in alcohol-related consequences. The AlcoholEdu® group also consumed fewer drinks per drinking occasion, as compared to the e-Chug group.

AlcoholEdu® for High School Parents

Parents play a vital role in their teen’s decisions around using alcohol. In fact, research has shown that parents actually have the greatest influence*. The majority of teens are looking for the right kind of support and advice from their parents.

AlcoholEdu® for High School Parents is a 15- to 20-minute education course created specifically for parents. The program provides accurate information about teens and alcohol, and helps parents develop the the skill-set they need to have productive conversations with their teens when it comes to alcohol and underage drinking.

The AlcoholEdu® for High School Parents course:

  • Dispels common myths and misperceptions about underage drinking among parents.
  • Helps parents have effective conversations and prepares them to answer tough questions from their teen; “Did you drink when you were in high school?”
  • Teaches strategies for monitoring and setting rules, including tips and templates for creating rules and consequences together.
  • Offers guidance on what to do if their teen is experimenting with alcohol or needs real help.
  • Includes expert advice for dealing with common situations, along with links to additional resources.
  • Explains laws that may impact parents, i.e. social host laws


Getting parents involved in educating and communicating with their teen benefits the greater community because underage drinking impacts an entire community—causing problems like, trash, violence, and alcohol-related injuries and deaths—this course also provides parents with tips and resources for collaborating with other community members to take on this issue. The more that parents are aware of the problem, the more they can do to help address it, and the more progress a school—or an entire town—can make to create a safer, healthier community.

AlcoholEdu® for High School

For the first time, high school administrators and teachers can prevent underage drinking with an evidence-based online prevention program.

  • Alcohol is the number one drug of choice for America’s teens — and kills more teens than all other illicit drugs combined.
  • According to a 2010 report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), almost three out of every four high school students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of their senior year. And, from 8th grade to 10th grade, the number of students who drank alcohol in the last month nearly doubled.
  • Each year, alcohol abuse costs the United States an estimated $185 billion, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

What is AlcoholEdu® for High School?

AlcoholEdu® for High School is an evidence-based, online alcohol prevention program that takes a project-based approach to learning, giving students the opportunity to travel through a community to better understand the risks around drinking alcohol.

  • Students travel through different points in the community (the town hall, a pizza place, a friend’s house), student progress unlocks various tools to help them design a billboard containing positive social messages they have learned throughout the course.
  • Interactive format helps students understand how their decisions impact their own lives and their community.
  • Incorporates multiple evidence-based learning theories to drive changes in students’ attitudes and behaviors.

The Student Experience – A Course Tailored for Today’s Teens

“At a party one night, my friend drank too much and got really sick. Because of what I learned in AlcoholEdu®, I knew to call 9-1-1 immediately and get help.”  – Student who completed AlcoholEdu® for High School

  • A fresh look and feel, featuring videos, cartoons, IM sessions, and real-life interviews with students
  • Interactive exercises help students try out new skills and practice healthy decision-making (not just what to do, but how to do it)
  • Tone and content speak to students with all types of backgrounds and behaviors related to alcohol
  • Social norms exercises help students manage the mixed messages they receive about alcohol (i.e. effects on the brain and body, US laws, etc.)
  • Personalized feedback that reflects on students’ identity and individual goals.

The Teacher Experience – An Essential Tool for Teachers to Improve School Climate

“We hoped to find a program to address alcohol use and could educate the students in a way that was interesting to them. The computer program was the perfect fit and it took very little class time.”   -AlcoholEdu® Practitioner, Sumner County Board of Education, Tennessee

  • Online format gives you the ability to reach all students with a consistent curriculum that discourages underage drinking, improves knowledge, and motivates behavior change. This format also provides teachers with the flexibility on how to use their class time; takes only 2 to 4 class periods and can be assigned as an outside project.
  • A dedicated Partner Services Manager supports your efforts throughout the year by providing best practices, helping you to plan your implementation, promote your efforts to the school community, assisting in track students’ progress through our online administrative tool, and reviewing your annual data reports.
  • Annual reports include changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors allowing teachers and administrators to plan, evaluate, and share progress over time throughout their community.
  • Community approach allows you to engage stakeholders (parents, other teachers, coalitions) to get buy-in for your efforts.

Achieving Measurable Results

Based on the latest research and developed with input from experts, teachers and students, AlcoholEdu® for High School is an evidence-based, proven prevention strategy documented by the NIAAA and included in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP).

Our Data Shows that AlcoholEdu® for High School:

  • Engages teens: Over 90% of students said they paid attention to the course and over 80% of students recommend the course to their peers. Research shows that teens prefer to receive alcohol prevention via the Internet.*
  • Increases alcohol-related knowledge: The percentage of students passing the knowledge test increased by 32% from pretest to posttest (p < .01), with 93% of students passing the test after completing the course. The average score on the test increased from 66% to 84%.
  • Undermines acceptance of underage drinking: The percentage of students reporting that drinking alcohol is never acceptable for people under the age of 21 increased significantly from 37.8% at baseline to 47.5% after completing the course (p < .001).
  • Reduces Underage Drinking: The percentage of students who reported not drinking was significantly higher among students completing the course than among the control group (76.7% vs. 73.9%, p < .001). In addition, the percentage of students who reported that they drink and see no need to change their alcohol use was significantly lower among students completing the course than among the control group (13.1% vs. 14.7%, p < .001).
  • Reduces riding with an intoxicated driver: The percentage of students reporting they had ridden with a driver who had been drinking decreased significantly from 27.1% at baseline to 23.5% after completing the course (p < .001).

Course Details

AlcoholEdu® for High School depends on evidence-based prevention methods and a project-based format, to inspire students to reflect on and consider changing their drinking decisions. AlcoholEdu® for High School can easily be assigned as homework or integrated into a classroom curriculum. The course includes 120 minutes of content and exercises that can be broken down into 2-4 sessions.

Surveys and Knowledge Tests

The course collects data on students’ alcohol-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors at three points in time during the AlcoholEdu® for High School experience. All attitudinal and behavior data is completely confidential.

Science-based Content

The course focuses on alcohol’s effect on the body, investigates how alcohol affects the developing teenage brain, social norms, and discusses the factors that influence decisions about drinking.

Project-based Approach

Students are asked by a local ad agency to design a billboard to target their peers, parents, or the community-at-large. Upon completion of the course, they will have earned the tools and knowledge to select messages, fonts, and images for their billboard. The billboard can be shared with their classmates, school, or even submit it to Outside The Classroom’s Annual Media Competition.

Interactive Exercises

Exercises, such as the “What Would You Do?” scenarios encourage students to adopt positive behaviors and build self-efficacy.

Concluding Segment

Implemented a minimum of 30 days after students complete the Final Exam, this segment provides students with a review of their personal plan, a summary of the key concepts they have learned and introduces healthy ways to deal with stress. In addition students complete a follow up survey to measure changes in attitudes and behaviors.

Reducing your Risk

United Educators, the leading risk liability insurance provider, and Outside The Classroom are collaborating to increase the use of alcohol abuse prevention programs among UE member schools. Understanding the impact of alcohol on education, UE is committed to focusing their membership on effective prevention strategies aimed at reducing the alcohol risk.

Read the Press Release

What is the basis for United Educator’s concern about alcohol abuse in high schools, colleges, and universities?

An internal analysis of UE claims revealed that student claims involving alcohol on average cost 25 percent more than claims not involving alcohol. This data coupled with the human tragedy often involved suggests that high schools, colleges, and universities should develop comprehensive prevention programs that target alcohol-related risks at their institution. UE strongly believes that education is a key component of any prevention program.

What does this mean for United Educator members?

UE members will receive a 15% discount off the cost of the AlcoholEdu® for either K12 schools or higher education.

AlcoholEdu® for Youth Sanctions

Developed in conjunction with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), AlcoholEdu® for Youth Sanctions gives court administrators a new tool to use with alcohol offenders. The course helps non-college students who have violated alcohol laws make safer and healthier decisions about drinking, reducing dropout rates and preventing further alcohol-related incidents.

AlcoholEdu® for Youth Sanctions is an evidence-based Web-based course that incorporates proven intervention techniques with essential science-based alcohol education.

There is no cost to a court system for utilizing AlcoholEdu® for Youth Sanctions – instead, your court clients may purchase the course directly from our secure Web site. At the end of the course, your court clients will receive proof of completion, including their Final Exam grade.

Easy to Administer

As a court administrator, you’ll find AlcoholEdu® for Youth Sanctions easy to use and manage. When asking a court client to take the course, he or she will purchase the program through our secure Website or from you directly. Your clients can access the program from any Internet-connected computer using your courts unique Login ID. At the conclusion of the program, your court will receive an e-mail proof of completion, including their Final Exam grade.

AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions

 A Program for Court Sanctioned Individuals Attending College

AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions is an online course designed specifically to help college students who have violated alcohol laws make safer and healthier choices – and avoid experiencing problems again. The course provides a strong educational foundation to support your judicial program.

AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions Features

The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), a tool developed by the World Health Organization, helps students assess their own drinking behavior.

Personal Journal: Students respond to confidential, open-ended questions that address factors influencing their decisions in situations that often result in violations of alcohol policies.

Personalized Feedback: Leveraging proven motivational interviewing techniques, students receive information in response to personal journal entries to help them reflect upon past drinking choices.

AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions engages students by integrating prevention techniques with non-opinionated, science-based, interactive alcohol education. It provides a highly personalized and customized educational experience that:

  • Produces strategic learning gains
  • Changes perceptions
  • Motivates behavior change
  • Supports healthier decisions
  • Reduces repeat alcohol violations

Prevention vs. Intervention

AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions, is the key to individual interventions with students whose behavior has caused negative consequences for themselves, others, or their institutions. AlcoholEdu® for College helps communities reduce the short- and long-term consequences and costs of high-risk drinking.

Easy to Administer

As a court administrator, you’ll find AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions easy to use and manage. When asking a court client to take the course, he or she will either purchase the program through our secure Website or from you directly. Your clients can access the program 24 hours a day from any Internet-connected computer using your court’s unique Login ID.  Your court can easily track completion through our online administrative site – The AlcoholEdu® Hub.

To learn more about AlcoholEdu® for Sanctions.